Bill Devin "The Enzo Ferrari of the Okie Flats"-July 1961, Car and Driver

Devin Enterprises Inc. was operated in El Monte, California in the 50's and 60's . Bill Devin built a car that had the style, sophistication, and performance of a Ferrari but sold for less. The prancing horse demanded a high price due to its pedigree; Devin decided to exploit the market and offer a nearly identical vehicle at an affordable price. The Devins's raced successfully against Ferrari's, Lister's, and Maserati's. The 1956 SCCA National Champion was a Devin. Devins ran in 136 SCCA races between 1955 and 1963, winning First 32, second 8, third 3. On top of that, Bill also invented of the "Belt Driven" OHC.
For more information on Bill please visit "Bill Devin's Home Page"
For more information on Bill please visit "Bill Devin's Home Page"